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Chapter 6 Project
Congratulations! You made it through Chapter 6!
You have 4 options for the chapter 6 projects and they are all individual projects.
Option A:
How is the price of the car related to the age? Is it the same for every make and model? Learn how to analyze what happens to the value of any car you are interested in buying.
Assignment: Buying a Car
Option B:
Which job is better for you? Which job has the greatest potential for earnings?
Learn how to use equations and their graphs to analyze and determine which job would work best for you.
Assignment: Part Time Job
Option C:
What should your target heart rate be? How do you determine the percent increase of your heart rate? Learn how to calculate heart rate and analyze the the data by graphing the results.
Assignment: Heart Rate
Option D:
(you will need someone to help you do some measuring but it is an idividual project)
Learn how to use knowledge of solving linear equations to gain information about the human body, its growth patterns, and what can be told by the analysis of the growth patterns.
Assignment: Forensics
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